This week's message covered finding the right way to embrace our emotions through the examples and teachings of Jesus. Consider these questions as they apply to you.
1.) Which is your way of doing laundry? Too soon, stuffer or goldilocks?
2.) What would you say are the negative consequences of feeling like you need to present yourself as "doing well"?
3.) In what way might the Psalms help us examine our interior lives and give voice to the emotions we experience? Read Psalm 22:1-2 and 11-14.
4.) Read Psalm 139:23 - 24. In what ways does it encourage or discourage you that God knows everything about you? Does it make you more willing or less willing to practice interior examination? Why?
5.) How might you put into practice interior examination using these five steps: (credit to Jennie Allen from her book Untangle your Emotions). How might this change you and your response to others?
1. Notice (Don’t try and dismount from the feeling of anger or fear or sadness – Notice the emotion)
2. Name (And like David and Jesus, be as specific as possible about the emotion)
Maybe it’s more than fear – maybe it’s a bitter cup, maybe your heart is melted like wax…
Maybe it’s more than anger – maybe you’re displeased, or aggravated, or irritated, or annoyed…
3. Feel (The opposite of stuffing it down – Both Jesus and David felt deeply…They did not distract themselves from their troubling emotions)
4. Share (Express it to God, or those who are trusted around you)
5. Choose (to go through the process again and again and again)
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