

348 North Canyons Pkwy
Livermore, CA 94551

Sunday Gathering Times
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?



6641 Lone Tree Way
Brentwood, CA 94513

Sunday Gathering Times
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM, EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

Walnut Creek


535 Walnut Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

San Ramon Valley


9300 Alcosta Blvd
San Ramon, CA 94583

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

CF Online

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Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

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Generosity Makes a Difference


Giving Changes Lives

Your sacrificial generosity is changing lives.  By contributing to Cornerstone Fellowship, you are furthering the gospel that calls us to live out the words and actions of Jesus. We do this by seeing, caring, and loving those in our community with a missional mindset that meets the needs of those around us.

From Our Pastor

"Your contribution makes an impact in so many ways. As we build community our families, kids, and students flourish. Our neighborhood churches serve their local communities, and we focus on loving the unhoused, and provide care and support to those in need. Our team is forever grateful for your generosity." - Steve Ingold

There are many ways to

Make a Difference

Manage my online giving 

Signing up for online giving enables you to view your giving history, print giving statements, create and edit scheduled giving series (such as recurring giving), and manage your method of giving. It's easy to sign up, it saves the church processing time and money, and your information is kept confidential and secure. 

Give Now Access Giving Statements Create CF Central Account

Financial Accountability

Cornerstone is proud to partner with ECFA. Learn more about the accreditation here

  My Account Questions?  CF Audit 2023

Still have questions?

Check out our Giving FAQs

Are donations to Cornerstone Fellowship tax deductible?

Cornerstone Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit tax-exempt organization. Our Tax ID# is 94-3178882. All donations to Cornerstone are tax deductible to the extent that no goods or services were provided to you in connection with any donation, or they consisted entirely of intangible religious benefits. In order to preserve the tax deductibility of your donations, we must inform you that all donations are received with the understanding that Cornerstone Fellowship has complete discretion and control over the use of the funds. See below for more info on restricted giving.

When will I receive my contribution statement for my donations?

It is available for download here.

Whom do I contact if I have questions about my giving history?

Please contact the Finance office at 925-447-3465 or send an email to  .

How are stock gifts handled at Cornerstone Fellowship?

The church maintains a brokerage account with UBS in the name of Cornerstone Fellowship. If you wish to give gifts of stock or mutual funds to Cornerstone Fellowship by electronic transfer, please give your broker our account name, account number, and DTC number for our UBS account. Our UBS account number is U8-16279 and the DTC number is 0221. Our UBS broker can be reached at 925-746-6341.

If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Julie Schenone at  .

In order for us to give you proper credit for your contribution, please notify us of the number of shares and the name of the equities that you are transferring. Please send an email to 
. We will send you a written confirmation of your gift once your transaction is complete.

I want to restrict my gift to a particular person. Can I do this?

A gift restricted to a specific individual constitutes a person-to-person gift and is not tax deductible.

What if I couldn't find the collection box?

We have collection boxes located near the exits of the auditorium. You can drop your gift in the box. These boxes get emptied after service each week. Also, you can simply submit your offering online using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or eCheck. Click here to donate or give online.

Do you have envelopes available for me to mail in my offering?

Yes! If you would like for us to mail you a supply of envelopes for your offering, please send your name and address to . A supply of envelopes is also available near each donation collection box in the auditorium. If you typically place your tithe check in an offering basket during worship services, you do not need to use an envelope. If you are giving cash, we encourage you to use an envelope and write your name and address on the outside if you want to receive a tax deduction for the gift. Please do not send cash in the mail.

What if I can't get my statement online?

We are here to help. If you need a printed statement, don't hesitate to get in touch with .