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The "Why" Behind Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices

Becky FitchJune 23, 2024Cornerstone Fellowship Sermons

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This week Becky Fitch talks about the "Why" behind the Spiritual Practices that we have talked about so far. Consider these Questions as they apply to your life:
1. If your heart were gentle and humble like Jesus, what would that look like for you?
2. Pastor Becky asks, “What is your yoke”?
3. Out of the nine core spiritual practices (prayer, fasting, sabbath, solitude, Scripture, community, generosity, service and witness) which one is the hardest spiritual practice for you and what is the easiest? Why?
4. Pastor Becky asks us to look at ourselves and ask if we are becoming, more and more, a person a love. How do you answer the question?
5. How do we incorporate these ancient teachings into a modern world? Share your thoughts and ideas.

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Sermons in Spiritual Practices