

348 North Canyons Pkwy
Livermore, CA 94551

Sunday Gathering Times
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?



6641 Lone Tree Way
Brentwood, CA 94513

Sunday Gathering Times
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM, EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

Walnut Creek


535 Walnut Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

San Ramon Valley


9300 Alcosta Blvd
San Ramon, CA 94583

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

CF Online

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Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

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Sabbath (sabbath - shabbat - stop, cease). The Hebrew word shabbat that means stop, cease...
to be done before we are just done.

This four-week series on Sabbath has been developed by “Practicing the Way” (an organization that exists to develop free discipleship resources for the local church). They provide a wealth of resources for us to be able to dive deeper each week and extend the conversation and practice of Sabbath beyond Sunday.

In our era of chronic exhaustion, busyness, emotional unhealth, anger, and spiritual stagnation, few things are more necessary than the recovery of this ancient practice. This might be the most important practice for today because it has the grace to create a rhythm that will help you flourish spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and in relation to others. We will explore four key elements of Sabbath: Stop, rest, delight, and worship.

Companion Guide  


The companion guide provides content that coincides with each week of the Sabbath series. The "Reach Exercise" helps us put what we're learning into practice, as well as helpful tips and reflection prompts. In addition, the companion guide provides a book reading suggestion and breaks down the reading into a couple of chapters each week. The book is Sabbath by Dan Allender.

Podcast: The Rule of Life 


The following are the episodes for Sabbath.

1 – Stop/ The Rhythm of Creation – September 2022

2 – Rest/An Act of Resistance – October 2022

3 - Delight/The Joy of Sabbath in Community – October 2022

4  - Worship/Whole Life Orientation Toward God – October 2022

Sabbath Meditations

"This book of meditations helps you enter into the beauty of the Sabbath day and keep it holy." - John Mark Comer 



Sabbath as Resistance by Walter Brueggemann

Keeping the Sabbath Wholly by Marva J. Dawn 

The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel