Welcome to CF Students!
Our goal is to help every child learn that following the words and actions of Jesus is worth it and that developing deep relationships with others is what we are created for! Look at some of our resources below!
About Us
Our goal is to reach the unreached, help students be more like Jesus ,and to grow deep in relationships together!
About Us
Middle School Program - Sundays at 10 a.m.
We hang out in the lobby for 5-10 minutes, then we go into the auditorium for worship.
It can be challenging for any middle schooler to step into a new group with new people. This is why we plan to ensure your student feels welcome form the moment they walk through the door. We'll play a game, share highs and lows from our weeks, learn a Bible lesson, and then have discussion.
Outside of Sunday morning Youth Group, we have a fun monthly event for students to invite their friends to!
Every 2nd Sunday of the month we meet in Neighborhood Church Homes all around the East Bay and not at our main campus. Families are encouraged to attend together. Get more information about our next Neighborhood Church weekend here!
Here's What Our Middle Schoolers Are Learning!
Self Worth Series: Whether we realize it or not, the world around us will attempt to define us. Bullies, friends, social media, even our own thoughts and comparisons in our minds will try to tell us what are true about ourselves. Instead, we need to go to what our Creator says and reshape our brains to how God defines us because that is truth. In Him, we are enough.
Sunday 1/5 - Being made in God's Image.
Sunday 1/19 - Gideon: Your thoughts don't define you, God does.
Sunday 1/26 - Zacchaeus: Labels don't define us, God does.
Sunday 2/2 - The Prodigal Son and Older Brother - performance doesn’t define us, God does.
Sunday 2/23 - Peter: Mistakes don’t define us, God does.
Sunday 2/27 - Doubting Thomas - Your doubt doesn’t define you, God does
Doubt Series: Students in today's day and age are being influenced by teachers, friends, people online who may tell them that having faith in Jesus isn’t serious. In this series, we will talk about reasons we have to be confident in our faith, emotional and the intellectual reasons why we may doubt, and how God is the answer.
Sunday 3/16 - I’m doubting God
Sunday 3/23 - I’m doubting Jesus
Sunday 3/30 - I’m doubting the Bible
Sunday 4/13 - Easter Teaching
Sunday 4/20 - Easter (all in adult service)
About Us
High School Youth Group - Thursday 7-9 P.M.
It can be challenging for any high schooler to step into a new group with new people. This is why we have amazing leaders and students who are ready to welcome anyone who comes in.
Outside of Thursday night Youth Group, we have a monthly fun event for students to invite their friends to!
Every second Sunday of the month, we meet in Neighborhood Church Homes all around the East Bay and not on our main campus. Families are encouraged to attend together! Get more information about our next Neighborhood Church weekend here.
Here's What Our High Schoolers Are Learning!
Self Worth Series: Whether we realize it or not, the world around us will attempt to define us.Bullies, friends, social media, even our own thoughts and comparisons in our minds will try to tell us what are true about ourselves. Instead, we need to go to what our Creator says and reshape our brains to how God defines us because that is truth. In Him, we are enough.
Thursday 1/9 - Being made in God's Image.
Thursday 1/23 - Gideon: Your thoughts don't define you, God does.
Thursday 1/30 - Zacchaeus: Labels don't define us, God does.
Thursday 2/13 - The Prodigal Son and Older Brother - performance doesn't define us, God does.
Thursday 2/20 - Peter: Mistakes don't define us, God does.
Thursday 2/27 - Doubting Thomas - Your doubt doesn’t define you, God does.
Doubt Series: Students in today's day and age are being influenced by teachers, friends,people online who may tell them that having faith in Jesus isn’t serious. In this series, we will talk about reasons we have to be confident in our faith, emotional and the intellectual reasons, why we may doubt, and how God is the answer.
Thursday 3/13 - I'm Doubting God
Thursday 3/20 - I'm Doubting Jesus
Thursday 3/27 - I'm doubting the Bible
Thursday 4/10 - Panel Q&A
Thursday 4/17 - Easter Teaching
Sunday 4/20 -Easter (all in adult service)
We would love to hear from you! Let us know if you have a question or concern.
Trevor Stripling
Students Pastor
We believe that God wired us each to serve others. If you want to get involved (beyond attending your group), we would love to have you visit our volunteer page or use this form to see what opportunities exist around our campus!
If you are looking for a place to get involved at Cornerstone, perhaps our kid's team would be a good fit. Visit our volunteer page or use this form to see what positions we have open.
Questions? Contact our Students Pastor Trevor! You can email him at .