

348 North Canyons Pkwy
Livermore, CA 94551

Sunday Gathering Times
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?



6641 Lone Tree Way
Brentwood, CA 94513

Sunday Gathering Times
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM, EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

Walnut Creek


535 Walnut Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

San Ramon Valley


9300 Alcosta Blvd
San Ramon, CA 94583

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

CF Online

Join us online!
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

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Welcome to CF Kids

Our goal is to help every child learn that following the words and actions of Jesus is worth it and that developing deep relationships with others is what we are created for! Look at some of our resources below!

About Us

We want every kid to know some basic things about God. Each week, we cover one of these three main points in a super fun and engaging way with our youngest kids!

  • God Made Me.
  • God Loves Me.
  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Our Elementary kids have a blast each week as we cover one of these three main concepts in super fun and engaging ways!

  • I need to make the wise choice.
  • I can trust God no matter what.
  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

We know bringing your family to church is a big deal, so thanks for considering it! We know your kids will love it here! We have kids’ classrooms specially designed for your kids as young as 18 months old to 5th grade.

We have lots that we could tell you, so for now, we will focus on the basics! If you want to talk to someone about your visit, we would love to hear from you!

Sunday 10 a.m.: CF Kids Programs.

Drop-off will begin at 9:45am.
Pickup will begin immediately after the service.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month we meet in Neighborhood Church Homes all around the East Bay and not at our main campus. Families are encouraged to attend together. Get more information about our next Neighborhood Church weekend here!


We have a computer-based check-in system you utilize whenever your child joins us. When you arrive, head to our main CF Kids desk, and we will help you set up.


We take the safety of our kids very seriously. You can review our entire Policy and Procedure document here.

  • Every volunteer is required to have a fingerprint scan on file.
  • We never allow a leader to be in a private restroom alone with a child.
  • We adhere to a strict Well Child policy, which you can read in full here.

Every child must be picked up at the end of our program by someone who has a matching claim tag (issued during check-in). Please head back over to our main CF Kids desk if you misplace this tag during your visit.

We would love to hear from you! Let us know if you have a question or concern.

Amber Kotowski
Kids Pastor

Our primary goal is to create space for kids so that they can hear about Jesus and connect with others at the same time! The only way we can effectively do this is by having an amazing team of volunteers! Seriously, they are awesome!

If you are looking for a place to get involved at Cornerstone, perhaps our kid's team would be a good fit. Visit our volunteer page to see what positions we have open.

Questions? Contact our Kids Pastor Amber! You can email her at  .

Here's What Our Kids Are Learning!

The Connection Between Commitment & God's Character, as Shown by God's Big Story

This month, we’ll help kids discover that one of the best plans they can make is to commit to an ongoing
relationship with Jesus. We hope they commit to practicing their faith by reading God’s Word, praying to God honestly
and consistently, talking about God with others, and living for God in how they show love throughout the everyday.

Early Childhood Monthly Guide Kids Monthly Overview