

348 North Canyons Pkwy
Livermore, CA 94551

Sunday Gathering Times
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?



6641 Lone Tree Way
Brentwood, CA 94513

Sunday Gathering Times
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM, EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

Walnut Creek


535 Walnut Avenue
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

San Ramon Valley


9300 Alcosta Blvd
San Ramon, CA 94583

Sunday Gathering Time
10:00 AM EXCEPT every second Sunday of the month, where we meet in homes!

Why Do We Meet in Homes?

CF Online

Join us online!
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

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Sunday Gathering -11 am - Brentwood

Sunday, 3/2/25 at 11:00am

About the Event


Join us for our weekly Sunday gatherings!

When: Sunday mornings
Time: 11:00 am
Where: 6641 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood

CF Kids - We are excited to offer Kids and Middle School programming at our 11 am gathering. Once you arrive, follow the CF Kids and CF Youth signs to get everyone checked in! We look forward to seeing you!

Questions? Email

If you're traveling or unable to attend in person, we'd love to have you join one of the live CF Online Gatherings (Saturday at 5 pm, Sundays at 9 am, and 11 am) or watch them on-demand.