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Daily Steps - Philippians - Week 1

Posted by CF Community Team on

Welcome to Daily Steps

Please visit the Sermon Series Resource page for additional instruction and/or guidance on how to navigate Daily Steps. 

Philippians 1:6 - "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

God Always Finishes What He Started

If you’ve ever stood in a canyon and yelled at the top of your lungs, then you’ve undoubtedly marveled at the strength and clarity of an echo. As the sound waves initiated by your shout bounce off the towering rocks and reverberate far in the distance, your exact words and the unique fingerprint of your voice is carried further at a much faster clip than you could ever manage under your own power. 

Scripture, especially a verse like Philippians 1:6, is often like an echo. That’s because it contains a promise that has been repeated over and over in the Bible, repeatedly echoing God’s love for us and pleading with us to let it saturate our souls, give rest to our weary minds, and steady us in times of hardship, doubt, and endless change. 

Knowing that God’s people need to hear it again and again, Paul not only repeats it, but stakes his own personal reputation on it with the words: “And I am sure of this…” He goes on to declare the promise in his unique voice at the top of his lungs: God will finish what he starts in you. He will never let you go. His love for you is too great and too powerful to let his plans fall apart. God is in control, even when it doesn’t seem like it or when everything around you looks bleak. Trust that he knows what he’s doing and be assured that his promises never fail. 

Whatever you have going on in your life… whatever you long to have… whatever you wish would end, or finally begin… God sees it all and knows your inner most thoughts. When you invite him into your circumstances, desires, hopes, struggles and dreams, all of his promises come with his presence. This week, take a daily step to seek and savor his presence by reading a passage from the list below and then reflecting on the promise it contains. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what the promise means for you. Let the deep canyons of your heart fill up with the echos of God’s love as you thank him and commit to believing that he will finish what he’s stared in your life. 

Bible Readings with Prayer Prompts

Monday - Read Romans 8:28 and then ask God to help you leave your cares at the feet of Jesus. He knows what to do with them. 

Tuesday - Read Genesis 50:20 and then ask God to give you patience and compassion for things and people who are difficult.

Wednesday - Read Psalm 147 and then praise God for his power, glory, and love for you.

Thursday - Read 1 Corinthians 13:12 in The Message version and then ask God to give you peace and help you trust. 

Friday - Read Hebrews 11:1 and then praise God that he is in control and for giving you an eternal hope that won’t fade.

Invite God's Presence

Select one or two of these spiritual practices to try this week. 

  • Worship
  • Meditate on a verse
  • Be still and listen
  • Spend time in solitude (i.e. a walk in nature)
  • Journal
  • Create (paint, sculpt, draw, write poetry or music, etc.)
  • Fasting

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